How much does it cost to clean your septic tank?
In the Phoenix, Arizona, area, the average cost to clean your septic tank is $469, with a minimum cost of $250 and a maximum of $700. The majority of homeowners spent from $415 to $523 cleaning their septic tank.
How often should you pump your septic tank?
Usually every two to three years, depending on your water consumption and the size of your tank. If you have a small septic tank, it will cost less to clean but will need cleaning more often.
If approaching your normal maintenance time, before major holidays or other times the house gets more visitors, including before big parties (we learned this the hard way).
More frequently if you use heavy medications or you use your garbage disposal unit often.
What are some septic system warning signs?
It’s been over 3 years since you last pumped your septic tank (or you can’t remember).
There are wet spots in your drainfield or if a large discharge, such as when your washing machine drains, cause your system to overflow.
Your drains and toilets are draining slowly.
There are unpleasant odors in your home.
How do you clean an underground tank?
If you already know the location of your septic tank, you can save time and money. If you don’t, we can locate it for you quickly.
Once located we use a specially designed pumping truck to vacuum out the solids that have accumulated in the tank.
Cleaning the average septic tank usually takes one to three hours. If you have a larger tank, more time and machinery may be needed to dig up the tank.
Remember! It always costs less to pump a Septic Tank than it does to replace a broken one!
Things all septic tank owners should know!
Pumping every two to three years keeps your septic system under control.
Clean your filters annually for better septic system performance.
Check your filter regularly to make sure it is in good condition.
A septic tank’s life span depends on its size, the number of people in your household, water table changes, tree and/or root invasion, use/abuse, and routine maintenance.
Should I flush it?
DON'T flush common cloggers such as grease, condoms, tampons, pads, kitty litter, wipes, cigarette butts, or flushable toilet scrubbers.
DON’T flush things that will upset the bacterial balance of your septic tank, such as motor oil, gasoline, anti-freeze, paints, stains, and varnishes, pharmaceutical drugs, and anti-bacterial soaps. Please check with your city on how to safely dispose of these products!
Which bacterial additives should I use?
Bacterial additives are special enzymes that promote the growth of healthy bacteria in your tank to digest organic waste. If the bacterial balance gets thrown off or the bacteria get sick, undigested waste can start clogging up your drain field.
Bacterial additives can be purchased at most home improvement stores. While they can improve the function of your septic tank, they are not a replacement for regular septic tank maintenance and pumping!
Pump day pointer
To help prevent odors while the tank is being pumped, close off any drains in the house and fill your sinks and tubs with a bit of water.